Baked Swai with thyme & parsley


Swai was on sale again so I am giving it another chance. I liked the way this recipe sounded – the fresh herbs and foil packets for ease of cooking.


Chopped Italian parsley and fresh thyme. I totally missed the lemon juice in the recipe but some nice white wine seemed like an appropriate trade-off. 2Tbsp of butter melted with a little chopped garlic – next the white wine, approximately 1/8c.


Finally the chopped fresh herbs. Two of the smaller swai fillets in one packet, topped with the fresh herb mixture..

…then some onion slices. Seal the packets and bake in a 350-degree oven for approximately 20-25 minutes, until the fish is flakey.

Parboiled the asparagus – cover with water, bring to a boil, turn off the heat and let sit for just a few minutes then drain. Add a drizzle of olive and cook over a relatively high heat to just slightly brown.


Served the fish on top of cooked long-grain rice. I liked this recipe a lot but I think I’m going to give up on the flavorless swai – I’ll try this same recipe with some other fish.

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