Author: mjchatter

My personal blog is not tied to any organization! My passions: Social Media and the possibilities for both higher education and health care -- Organizing HealthCamps around the world with @ekivemark (aka My Heart) -- Cooking / food / wine / FOOD and that is probably an understatement! Also, thinking about all the food and recipes that I post - I don't do "traditional" recipes... that might frustrate people but I would love it if people felt inspired and adventuress and just Winged It, like we do... so That is why I don't do the whole Ingredients list, etc. like other food blogs do (although I do always include any Inspirational recipes that I use so you can start there). Be Free - Have Fun - Eat & Drink Well ! Here is my Google Profile

Exploring: Abbey Burger Bistro

It was my son’s 31st birthday on Sunday, Jan 27 – the plan was a big pot of his favorite homemade clam chowder but the weather had other plans – freezing temperatures left their apartment flooded (we cook at their place because ours is simply too small for everyone to be comfortable)… not too serious but bothersome enough with all the furniture moved, carpets pulled up and giant fans going.