Year: 2011

4th of July BSO Star Spangled Spectacular


This is the 2nd year that we have gone to Oregon Ridge to see the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra‘s Star Spangled Spectacular – I think it is going to be a tradition, at least if we think the weather will be ok… although there was a 95% chance of rain and I told everyone to dress to just sit there and get wet (unless there was thunder & lightening because then I think they would make us get off the hill..… Read more...

Italian Sausage “burger” wraps


My original plan was to make Burger wraps… so all the deliciousness of a hamburger but without the bun (for me… and yes, I know there are gluten-free breads & buns but I am not a HUGE bread eater and the ones I have tasted are just awful… I want soft & fluffy which = Gluten… so… yeah) But..… Read more...