Tag: life

4th of July BSO Star Spangled Spectacular


This is the 2nd year that we have gone to Oregon Ridge to see the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra‘s Star Spangled Spectacular – I think it is going to be a tradition, at least if we think the weather will be ok… although there was a 95% chance of rain and I told everyone to dress to just sit there and get wet (unless there was thunder & lightening because then I think they would make us get off the hill..… Read more...

10 Ways to Have Peaceful, Loving Relationships

What a lovely piece – a student at Stevenson U (@burkett) Tweeted this.  

Some things that hit home –
** Give People Benefit of the Doubt
** Be Mindful of Projecting 
** Choose Your Battles – I definitely believe in this … have used it many times, especially when raising kids
** Think before acting on Emotion – the author stated that this was hardest for her… this is actually very easy for me but not necessarily in a good way in that I just spent many years in a relationship where I could NOT speak without first thinking through each word to make sure that I did not upset my partner.