Chicken-fried steak with fixings & Boston Cream Cupcakes

Cube steak was on sale and I’m coming down with a cold = Comfort Food – For the chicken fried steak (which I did not take pictures of because it is Very difficult when you are doing this alone…  mostly because it is very messy!): cube steak dipped in an egg & milk wash then seasoned (pepper & a dash of salt) gluten-free flour then back in the egg & milk wash then back in the seasoned flour (see what I mean – very messy!) then into a large frying pan with 2Tbsp olive oil and browned thoroughly on both sides until cooked (don’t turn them too soon, let a good brown “crust” develop).  Don’t crowd the pan.  I do them in batches and keep them warm in the oven.  I have been known use Panko breadcrumbs for the last coating but I forgot to pick some up at the grocery store so this is more traditional style.


Instead of a traditional cream gravy, I decided to do a brown onion gravy – three sweet Vidalia onions sliced and sautéed.
My Heart got his dessert started: Gluten-free Boston Cream cupcakes – basic gluten-free pancake batter baked in a muffin tin, spilt open (for the filling) and topped with ready-made chocolate frosting
Completed gravy: 1/2 c water, 1c red wine – brought to a boil – 2Tbsp Bisto and 1 Tbsp brown sugar (my Heart’s addition which made all the flavors meld perfectly).  


Dinner plated: Chicken-fried steak on a pile of freshly mashed potatoes, saut??ed green beans with Montreal seasoning, and cucumber salad (hot house cucumbers marinated in vinegar with a touch of sugar and pomegranate balsamic) – definitely hit the spot – YUM!


My kids have a new kitty, Eisa – she is a pretty little calico and fitting in quite well.


The pièce de résistance – Dessert!  The filling for these cupcakes was Yoplait Light Boston Creme yogurt making these marginally healthy with gluten-free flour and Light yogurt filling.  They were delicious!

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