One place Couples Fight the Most?

This article totally made me (and my Heart) laugh out loud, which is why I am sharing it.  Although… thinking back… Nope – I don’t backseat drive my partner… not this one… not my ex who once ran us into the back of a truck that was stopped at a stop light.  I DO backseat drive my son though – so I apologize but we don’t argue… he just glares at me.  

I simply could Not imagine someone talking to me in some squeaky voice with a finger puppet, that would Have to go.  The OnStar stories totally pushed this over the edge though – I’ll bet they have some great stories.
On one call, when an operator prompted a female driver to look for a button on her rearview mirror, a man’s voice said, “She has no idea where the rearview mirror is located.”


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