How can You Climb Mt Kilimanjaro for Charity?

Social Media as a buzzword is driving a lot of people crazy.?? We hear about what a waste of time it is… it's a passing fancy… it lets people take advantage of us… stalk us… rob us… steal from us.?? Criminals take advantage of Twitter and Facebook to break into people's homes. The Government is stalking us on Facebook and Twitter.?? etc. etc. etc.

Well, social media is also giving voice to those who haven't been heard (and Yes, I know – good & bad), it's make the world "smaller" as we reach out digitally to colleagues, friends, family, & others who share our interests, ideas, dreams, hopes, wishes around the world.?? It also gives opportunities to give back, help out, and to share our own success & prosperity with those in need.

Here is another opportunity:

Thanks to Ben Parr at for sharing this wonderful information:

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