Coquille Saint-Jacques Oeuf Sur le Plat

So Last week was a bear… My Heart headed off to Portland, Oregon for HealthCampOR and it was the University’s Homecoming weekend which meant I was At Work late Wed – Sat – the easiest way to tell is because I did absolutely NO cooking after Swordfish with Artichoke Tomato pasta. Homecoming included the Bonfire & Pep Rally – the Haunted Hallways & Mustang Madness – Football / Bull Roast (a Maryland tradition) / Headliner: Josh Corey and a great performance by the Marching Band during halftime.  It was a great weekend for both my Heart and I.

Now back to reality… and some good home cooking.  I Love the name because it is basically Scallops with fried eggs – Delicious!

Fresh Parmesan – grated for the top and chunked to add into the rice
Frozen peas – defrosted

Cooked long grain white rice – added in 2tsp olive oil, the chunky parmesan, green peas, and lots of freshly ground pepper


Four eggs fried in egg frames with lots of freshly ground pepper…


…and a sprinkling of the grated Parmesan


Plated: a nice sized pile of rice topped with the fried eggs…


…topped with small scallops browned in butter – totally my Heart’s concoction but really lovely – totally a “do again” – YUM!

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